Monday, December 7, 2015

Wow! Jeb Endorses Christie For President!

This morning on New Hampshire Today with Jack Heath, New Hampshire Senate Majority Leader and former US Congressman Jeb Bradley endorsed Governor Chris Christie for President. Senator Bradley's endorsement continues the momentum of the recent New Hampshire Union Leader endorsement and support from other notable New Hampshire leaders.

“In these dangerous times for our nation, Governor Chris Christie has the practical, real-world executive experience to lead the United States,” stated Jeb Bradley. “As U.S. attorney, Christie worked with the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI to investigate and prosecute terrorism cases. As a Republican governor in a Democratic state, Gov. Christie had the courage to set an example for governors across the country by taking on special interests to tackle his state’s unfunded pension liability.”

Bradley added, “He is the candidate in the presidential race best able to offer an honest and straightforward entitlement reform proposal that will save Social Security and Medicare for future generations. We need a president with both the proven record and courage to protect the safety of Americans, to fight for taxpayers, to bring our nation and political parties together, and to be the leader America needs at a time when Washington is dysfunctional and gridlocked.”

On Friday, Jeb Bradley will join Governor Christie at his town hall in Wolfeboro.

Jeb Bradley is the Majority Leader of the New Hampshire State Senate. He is serving his fourth term representing District 3 from Wolfeboro, the Oldest Summer Resort in America.

Bradley came to office following a special election held in April of 2009 and went on to win re-election in 2010, 2012 & 2014. For the 2015-2016 legislative session, Sen. Bradley is Vice Chairman of Commerce, the Chair of the Energy & Natural Resources Committee, and serves on the Rules, Enrolled Bills & Internal Affairs Committee.

As a legislator, Senator Bradley is known for his determination in working with constituents on both sides of an issue for a solution that will fully serve the people of New Hampshire. It is that approach that led to him being referred to as "The Closer" during the 2014 session by a leading business chamber. In 2010, he received the Legislator of the Year Award from the New Hampshire Association of Counties. In 2011, he prime sponsored SB 3 - a successful and much-needed overhaul of the state's retirement/pension system.

Sen. Bradley previously served as a Congressman representing New Hampshire’s First District for two terms from 2002-2006. He was a member of the Armed Services, Budget, Veterans' Affairs and Small Business Committees and visited Iraq three times during that tenure. While in Washington, Bradley championed the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard - working diligently to save one of the of Seacoast area's largest employers from the most recent BRAC closure list in 2005.

Sen. Bradley began his political career in 1986 as a member of the Wolfeboro Planning Board. He also served on the town's Budget Committee. In 1990, he ran successfully for a seat in New Hampshire's House of Representatives and went on to be re-elected five times. In the House, Bradley chaired the Science, Technology and Energy Committee as well as the Joint Committee on Ethics.

Sen. Bradley has a strong business background as well. He owned several small businesses in Wolfeboro, including an organic grocery and a painting business. He is a graduate of Tufts University. Sen. Bradley is an avid hiker in all seasons, and recently became the 49th person to complete the elusive NH Grid, which is a major accomplishment consisting of climbing each of the NH 48 4,000ft peaks in each month of the calendar year, totaling 576 peaks.

View the full New Hampshire endorsement list here.

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