Monday, December 7, 2015

You Won't Believe How This State Paves Its Roads!

New Jersey spends $2 million per mile to build and maintain its roads – three times more than second place Massachusetts and four times greater than neighboring New York. Now, a new video from the Reason Foundation shows exactly where taxpayer dollars are going.

“New Jerseyans overwhelmingly oppose a gas tax hike, and with good reason. For years the State has been throwing millions of their hard-earned dollars down the potholes and clogged sewer drains of our broken road system,” said Americans for Prosperity State Director Erica Jedynak. 

“They just don’t trust Trenton with another cent of their tax dollars, and this video reinforces that they have every right not to. Hundreds of millions of dollars each year are dumped into Trenton’s special interest mixer and steamrolled onto over-priced roads while taxpayers get jackhammered at the pump."

“There should be zero talk of raising the gas tax a single penny until taxpayers get answers as to why NJ’s transportation spending is out of control and lawmakers take steps to rein those costs in – including taking up some of the reforms proposed by AFP,” continued Jedynak. “We desperately need better prioritizing and planning for road and bridge projects in this state. Until then, AFP will spread the message by advertising this video to residents across New Jersey.”   

Americans for Prosperity will launch an ad campaign on the Internet and social media to draw attention to this issue and drive grassroots opposition to the proposed 25-cents per gallon gas tax hike.

AFP’s recent brief, A Road Map for Tackling NJ’s Transportation Problem, offered a series of solutions the State could take in order to save transportation dollars, including auditing the Department of Transportation, abolishing prevailing wage requirements, and adopting public-private partnerships for functions such as operations and maintenance.

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