Friday, January 29, 2016

OK, So Who's The 'Bimbo' Now? Huh?

From our friends at Save Jersey:

Mere hours before Donald Trump‘s Iowa rally and Fox News’s GOP debate are set to square off, Save Jerseyans, the Donald escalated his war with Fox News star Megyn Kelly by calling her a ‘bimbo’ by way of retweet on his favorite social medium platform:
trump kelly bimbo

The Kelly-Trump feud first took an ugly turn when Trump, displeased with what he claimed was the nonobjective nature of one of her debate questions, inferred that Kelly’s bias and alleged hostility towards him was explainable by her menstrual cycle.

By the way… here’s Mr. Trump’s wife Melanie who has also posed nude:

melanie trump
Inappropriate and hypocritical? Or a fair response to criticism?

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