Saturday, January 30, 2016

Special Auto Show Tours For Very Special Kids

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 and the Philadelphia Auto Show yesterday hosted students from the four Archdiocesan Schools of Special Education for an exclusive tour of the Philadelphia Auto Show, including a stop to see one of the two FIAT 500Ls used by Pope Francis during his historic visit to Philadelphia. 

This special tour took place in advance of Friday’s evening’s Philadelphia Auto Show Black Tie Tailgate at which at least one of “Pope Francis’ Philly FIATs” will be auctioned to benefit several Archdiocesan ministries. 

In showing “Pope Francis’ Philly FIAT” to these special students, Donna Crilley Farrell, Executive Director of the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015, utilized interactive story-telling to share the tale of Pope Francis’ trip to Philadelphia and to explain the significance of this important yet humble vehicle. 

Students participated in the story by sharing famed photos of Pope Francis during his visit to the city for the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015. At the conclusion, each student was given a Vatican City flag and all gathered around the famed FIAT for a “selfie,” which was “tweeted” to Pope Francis’ @Pontifex account.

“The opportunity to share this moment with these wonderful students truly reflects the power of Pope Francis’ visit to Philadelphia last September,” said Farrell. “As the Holy Father encouraged us to love and care for others, especially those most vulnerable and marginalized in society, I could not be more thankful to David Kelleher and the Philadelphia Auto Show for opening its doors to us and helping us to support so many worthy causes, including our schools of special education.”

The Schools of Special Education, operated by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and managed in-part by the Faith in the Future Foundation, allow students to immerse themselves in the wonder of their surroundings, the love of their communities and the joy of learning that every child shares. Each of the Archdiocesan schools of special education delivers a strong suite of academic, sensory and spiritual instruction. 

Students learn more than the skills needed to make it in the world; they also learn how to make the world a better place. The Schools of Special Education is comprised of Archbishop Ryan Academy for the Deaf, Saint Lucy Day School for Children with Visual Impairment, Saint Katherine Day School and Our Lady of Confidence.

During the annual Philadelphia Auto Show Black Tie Tailgate (Friday, January 29 at 8:45 p.m. EST), one of “Pope Francis’ Philly FIATs” will be auctioned to the public to benefit select ministries and missions of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.  The proceeds from the auction of “Pope Francis’ Philly FIAT” will benefit four missions of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, including 50 percent of the proceeds benefitting Catholic Charities Appeal, and the remaining 50 percent will be broken evenly amongst Mercy Hospice, Casa Del Carmen, and Schools of Special Education. In addition to the auction, the second FIAT 500L will be on display to the general public for the duration of the Philadelphia Auto Show (Saturday, January 30 – Sunday, February 7).

To participate in-person or remotely as a bidder for “Pope Francis’ Philly FIAT,” please contact Max Spann Real Estate & Auction Co. by visiting or calling 888.299.1438.  To purchase tickets to The Philadelphia Auto Show Black Tie Tailgate, please visit  To purchase tickets to the Philadelphia Auto Show (January 30 – February 7), please visit     

For more information about the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and those non-profit organizations set to benefit from the auction of the Papal Fiat, please visit For more information regarding the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015, please visit For additional information regarding the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 official commemorative book and DVD, please visit:

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