Sunday, February 7, 2016

Last Night's GOP Debate: The Bottom Line

Last night's Republican presidential debate was ugly. Very ugly.
On the 105th birthday anniversary of President Reagan, the candidates broke Reagan's 11th commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican. They not only broke it, they repeatedly broke it.
Christie was a real grappler last night and he went at Rubio with a ferocity rarely see in these types of settings. You would have thought that Rubio would be prepared for this as Christie had been attacking him ("The boy in the bubble") all week. But if Rubio was prepared, it certainly didn't show. Rubio's response to Christie's rat-a-tat-tat was feeble, at best. Shockingly poor.
And both Bush and Kasich got in some good shots as well -- largely at the expense of Rubio.
This left Trump and Cruz pretty much untouched, except that Trump turned very ugly at one point, prompting boos from the audience.
Bottom line: Christie, Bush and Kasich came out winners. But, don't forget Cruz. He had a good debate, went untarnished and remains strong.
Will Rubio remain in the top three?
Will Kasich, Christie of Bush emerge instead?
Stay tuned . . . . .

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