Thursday, April 14, 2016

Positive Gains? Well, Look At The Numbers!

New Jersey State Senator Anthony Bucco said the positive jobs numbers – announced today by Gov. Chris Christie at an event at Union County College – are the direct result of the Republican effort to limit spending and prevent tax increases.

Sen. Anthony Bucco said the recent job gains in New Jersey are the result of Republican discipline on spending and taxes. (©

“Over the last several years, we have worked with the administration to put New Jersey in a much better position in our shifting economy,” Senator Bucco (R–Morris) said. “By keeping firm on taxes and holding the line on spending, we have been able to lure in new job creators and give our state a chance to rebound from the crippling unemployment of the Great Recession.”
According to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of employed New Jersey residents has never been higher after climbing to 4,378,500 in March. More than 17,000 jobs were added last month alone. Over the last year, New Jersey added more than 78,000 jobs in the private sector, and the state’s unemployment rate of 4.4-percent is 0.6-percent lower than the national average.
“These positive numbers show that we are finally heading in the right direction,” Senator Bucco said. “However, it is only a start. We must continue on this path in order to entice businesses to move here and employ our residents. As the Senate Republican Budget Officer, I will do my best to ensure we remain committed to making New Jersey a more viable place to do business and to growing jobs in our state.”

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