Thursday, April 21, 2016

Warning: NJ Gas Tax 'Deal' Is A Lemon

    Americans for Prosperity is warning New Jersey taxpayers and motorists that Trenton is attempting to sell them a lemon in order to usher through a massive, 25-cents per gallon gas tax hike.

    “Apparently, some in Trenton are resorting to used car salesmanship to impose their draconian gas tax hike on New Jersey taxpayers,” said AFP spokesman Mike Proto. “Hard-working New Jersey families need tax relief not shifty deals that that will raise the gas tax, and then allow the state to throw it in reverse when it comes to repealing state’s death tax down the road. All the more reason these two issues should be handled separately.”

    During this week’s Senate Budget Committee hearing on transportation, Chairman Sarlo noted that a deal would allow future governors the “flexibility to suspend” the death tax repeal. Assemblyman Jay Webber also criticized the floated deal today, referring to it as a “bait-and-switch.”

    “This raw deal goes to the heart of the matter. Trenton cannot be trusted with a single penny more from taxpayers after having fiscally mismanaged the Transportation Trust Fund for years,” added Proto. “The way New Jersey spends its transportation dollars needs to be completely overhauled.”

    “As we point out in our new Taxpayers’ Budget, this includes better coordination among the DOT, Turnpike Authority and New Jersey Transit. NJ Transit is literally a taxpayer pothole which takes in a billion less in fares than its operational costs. The state is spending over $500 million on NJ Transit this year alone – money which could be used for our roads and bridges instead of propping up this authority which is a complete drain on taxpayers.”

    “If lawmakers really want to put the trust back in the Transportation Trust Fund, then they can start with a full tune-up of how we are spending our transportation dollars. Our Taxpayers’ Budget gives them a road map for doing just that,” concluded Proto.


  • AFP-Led Coalition Presses Lawmakers to Oppose Gas Tax Hike
  • Americans for Prosperity Cheers Thwarting of Gas Tax Hikes!
  • Americans for Prosperity Commends Sen. Doherty and Sen. Beck for Opposing Gas Tax Hike

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