Saturday, April 16, 2016

Why THIS University Should Be Ashamed!

Here is a special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

The Cardinal Newman Society has strongly opposed yet another commencement scandal—this time involving “disgraced, pro-abortion former President Bill Clinton” at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles!

We’re appalled, as you’ll see in our public statement below. The honor for a president who protected partial-birth abortion, advocates same-sex marriage, and was impeached for his cover-up of an adulterous tryst with an intern is clearly “a scandal to the faithful and betrays the Church.”

But LMU President Dr. Timothy Snyder proclaims Clinton to be “one of the great statesmen of our time” who “embodies the ethos of becoming women and men with and for others.” Simply disgraceful.

Meanwhile, Catholics everywhere are joining us in expressing outrage about the scandals at Notre Dame and Georgetown! Cardinal Wuerl will celebrate a Mass in support of “Catholic identity”, and pro-life Notre Dame students will pray on campus this Sunday “for Notre Dame’s commitment to its Catholic identity and to protecting the sanctity of life at all stages.”

Meanwhile, largely ignored amid the debates about Pope Francis' Amoris Laetitia and its impact on divorced Catholics are the Holy Father’s strong warnings against the “ideology of gender” and irresponsible sexuality. Schools looking for a response to “transgender” activists now have it (and it’s echoed in our Human Sexuality Policies for Catholic Schools), and colleges celebrating “LGBT” identity and hosting drag shows should know that their “tolerance” for falsehood is incredibly damaging to students.

Did we ever suggest that renewing Catholic education was going to be easy? May God bless you for standing strong with us and supporting our work, which is having REAL impact for young people and for the Church!

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Patrick Reilly
Cardinal Newman Society

Loyola Marymount University’s choice to honor disgraced, pro-abortion former President Bill Clinton as its spring 2016 commencement speaker on May 7 is a new low in the University’s repeated betrayal of its Catholic mission. The scandal deserves the outrage of faithful Catholics everywhere, most especially those families who rely on LMU to provide the Catholic education that the University holds itself out as providing. 

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