Friday, May 13, 2016

Can We Deny 'Irreparable Aspects Of Reality?'

Patrick J. Reilly, president of The Cardinal Newman Society, released the following statement today in response to the “guidance” issued by the U.S. Department of Education attempting to force schools to abandon safe, responsible policies according to students’ biological sex:

“The Obama administration can try to change federal policy but not Catholic teaching, which rejects the separation of ‘gender’ from biological sex. This was reaffirmed by Pope Francis, who laments the falsehood of ‘gender ideology’: ‘It is one thing to be understanding of human weakness and the complexities of life, and another to accept ideologies that attempt to sunder what are inseparable aspects of reality. Let us not fall into the sin of trying to replace the Creator.’

“Therefore, nothing changes today for Catholic schools: they must continue to provide compassionate care and support for all students struggling with gender identity confusion, and they must hold fast to safe, responsible policies according to students’ biological sex.

“Title IX regulations don’t affect many Catholic schools. Those that participate in certain Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) programs aren’t under Title IX restrictions. And Title IX allows a religious exemption, so schools and colleges that do get federal support should work with legal counsel, such as Alliance Defending Freedom, to apply for such exemptions right away. The greater danger to Catholic schools is posed by the employment discrimination rules under Title VII, which is what the Obama administration is using against North Carolina.

“Regardless of state and federal attempts at social engineering, we urge Catholic schools to implement human sexuality policies that will protect their Catholic identity and help lead students to the truth in Christ.”

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