Sunday, May 8, 2016

They're A 'Comin -- And They WON'T Be Denied

So let's try to understand this as best we can.
We say "as best we can" because sometimes, in the world of Big Time (in their own mind) politicsos Inside The Beltway, we have to wonder if we're speaking the same language as our "leaders."
We're talking about the "leaders" of the Republican Party -- or the people who think they are the leaders, anyway.
To begin with, three Bushes -- two former presidents and one former governor -- have now said they will skip this summer's GOP convention in Cleveland and they will not be enodrsing the party's presumed nominee. This is a nominee who was overwhelmiongly chosen by the voters in primary elections across the country.
Then, the GOP Speaker of the House of Representatives has said that he's not yet ready to endorse the party's apparent nominee. Yes, Speaker Paul Ryan once said he would support the nominee chosen by the voters (and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush even signed a pledge to that effect) but now all bets (or pledges) are off. Forget about those statement and pledges.
Ryan says he wants to have a chat with Donald Trump first.
Hey, it's not like Trump is seeking a seat on the US Supreme Court and Ryan gets to interview him and test his views. Trump IS the choice of voters in Republican primariues in every part of the country.
Here's what we have to say about all this posturing and elite smugness emanating out of Washington and other pretentious "bastions" of the GOP establishment: It stinks! It stinks of failure, phoniness and the sort of personal pettiness that disdains democracy and routinely ignores the will of the people. It's more than folish. It's disgusting and self-defeating.
Let's face it. There's always been a brand of country club Republicanism -- a small-ball Republicanism -- that would rather not be disturbed by the popular will. This is the "GOP Light" insider's Republicanism that acts as a sort of regal court for the tiny group of regimented lords and ladies it has deigned to recgonize. These people are known for their ability to compromise (translate that as El Foldo) should Lib/Dems co much as glance in their direction.
For the GOP, more often than not, this brand of Republicanism has been the quick and easy road to failure on the national stage and in states, counties, towns and cities from coast to coast. 
This is the toothless Republicanism that the New York Times calls "decent" and "reasonable" and "in the national interest." This is the meek, meely-mouthed Republicanism that Dem/Libs and many independents say they can embrace and vote for -- except that they never do wind up voting for GOP candidates of this mold.
When I switched parties and became a conservative Republican decades ago I faced this same country club mindset within what I was trying to make my political home. If I really wanted to be a Republican, the message from these Blue Ribbon Elites was "Don't be too loud. Don't be too passionate. Be a good sport. Learn how to lose."
Well, I was having nothing of it then and I'll have nothing of it now.
And, thank goodness, Ronald Reagan was having nothing of it.
Reagan's mantra? You know what it was -- dig in, hold fast, keep fighting; we win, they lose.
But even though he succeeded in becoming the Republican governor of one of the biggest and most important states in the union Reagan was not so easily accepted by the GOP establishment.
Have you forgotten that? Have you?
Reagan had to fight for the GOP gubernatorial nomination. 
And even as he served as governor, many "mainstream" Republicans disdained Reagan and his policies.
When he spoke out boldly for Barry Goldwater (as others headed for the hills) Reagan was called a "kook" and a divider.
Twice, when Reagan sought the presidency (most notably in 1976) the GOP establishment did everything it could to stop him. And they succeeded. 
That's how we wound up with Jimmy Carter.
And even in 1980, Reagan had to fight tooth and nail for the nomination. And when he got the nomination he trailed the incumbent president by doubl digits and the mainstream media (joined by many country club Republicans) wrote him off. They didn't give him a chance.
But Ronald Reagan taught us how to fight and win.
Still, it's a lesson that many Republicans just never seem to learn.
The bottom line is this: This is NOT the year of the establishment. This is NOT the year to go along to get along. This is NOT the year of the insider. This is NOT the year of elites of any stripe.
Three out of every four GOP voters voted for non-estbalihment candidates. They rejected congressional Republicans and the inside-the-beltway mentality.
And even in the Democrat Party, Bernie Sanders' non-establishment candidacy has ripped the veneer off Clintonism. It's got 'ole Bubba and his phony accomplice quaking in their boots.
This is a year of the renegade, the outsider,the maverick.
This is a year of unpheavel.
A year when you'd better be careful as you sip that martini or gently gaze across the hroizon.
Beacuse that vibration that you feel is real and it's the first sign of the raging populace with pitchforks headed over the hill.
And, yes -- they're headed your way.
Do what you will. Take cover. Hide. Cry if you want to.
But get the hell out of the way cause they're a comin, America! And they ain't about to be deinied. Not this time. Not now. And not tomorrow or the next day or the next or the next . . . . 

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