Monday, June 6, 2016

Bech Leads Rally To Oppose NJ Gas Tax Hike

New Jersey State Senator Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) hosted a rally in Tinton Falls today at 11 a.m. to oppose a proposed increase in New Jersey’s gas tax of 20 to 40 cents per gallon. 
She was be joined Erica Jedynak, State Director of Americans for Prosperity, and concerned citizens who want to have their voices heard. (
With five exits on the Garden State Parkway, Tinton Falls is home to many commuters who drive to work and would be hit hard by a gas tax increase.
“We’ve already had thousands of people sign our ‘No Gas Tax Increase’ petition online, but we need to do more to demonstrate the massive opposition to higher gas taxes,” said Beck. 
“Many who live along and commute on the Garden State Parkway will be hit especially hard. If you oppose paying hundreds a year more at the pump, I've asked everyone to join me in Tinton Falls to rally against a gas tax increase.”
While some in the Legislature have proposed increasing the gas tax by up to 40 cents per gallon to replenish the state’s Transportation Trust Fund (TTF), Beck has proposed a detailed 7-year transportation plan that is fully funded with NO gas tax increase.
Beck noted that the opportunity to oppose a gas tax increase will be extremely limited as a new funding plan will need to be implemented shortly.
“With the TTF set run out of funds for new transportation projects over the summer, the Legislature will need to adopt a plan in the coming weeks – perhaps by the end of June,” added Beck. “If you don’t take the opportunity to speak out against a gas tax hike now, you may not have another chance.”

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