Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Let's All Insist On A HIGHER Standard . . . OK?

Yesterday, the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) demanded Democratic attorney general nominee Josh Shapiro return donations from Herbert Vederman, who was convicted last week on federal racketeering, bribery, and bank fraud charges along with former U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah.

“The attorney general is the chief law enforcement officer in the state and candidates for this office should be held to the highest standards,” said Scott Will, Executive Director of RAGA. “Fortunately, Pennsylvanians have a better choice in State Senator John Raffterty, a straight shooter who will take the politics and corruption out of the Office of Attorney General.”

From The Philadelphia Inquirer:

“Josh Shapiro, the Montgomery County commissioners chairman and Democratic nominee for state attorney general, saw the political hit coming.

Shapiro had received $11,500 in campaign contributions in the last decade from Herbert Vederman, the lobbyist and former Philadelphia deputy mayor who was convicted last week on federal racketeering, bribery, and bank fraud charges along with former U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah.

The Republican Attorneys General Association on Tuesday called on Shapiro to return the $5,000 he received from Vederman in March 2015. The Washington-based group called it "shameful" that Shapiro had not done so already…

…Mike Barley, a spokesman for Rafferty's campaign, said Shapiro had been silent as Fattah's legal troubles played out.

"The issue he has is his close relationship with the former congressman," Barley said of Shapiro. "It wasn't that long ago that he was accompanying Congressman Fattah to the president's State of the Union address."

Shapiro in 2013 issued a statement that he was "honored and grateful" for Fattah's invitation.”

Read the full story at

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