Friday, June 10, 2016

NAKED! Philly Naked Bike Ride Date Announced

Here is a very special message from the folks at the Philly Naked Bike Ride (PNBR);

The Philly Naked Bike Ride 2016 ride date has been announced! Our 8th
annual ride will take place on September 10th, 2016. The pre-ride
festivities will begin at 2:30 pm, and the ride will start promptly at 5
pm. We will announce the starting location 24 hours prior to the ride, so
please make sure to follow us on social media, and our website for all
future updates. Find links at:

We will be back soon with more information on after party plans, travel
discounts, etc. As always, we are working hard to deliver a fun and
memorable ride.

Tell your friends, get your bike ready, and come ride with us!

Follow the link below to RSVP to the Facebook event, share and invite your
friends while you're at it!

It takes a great group of volunteers to make this event fun and safe for
everyone. If you are interested in volunteering, please follow this link
and sign up!

We will see you September 10th!


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