Friday, June 24, 2016

Time For A Special Session Regarding This Crisis?

The Rafferty for Attorney General campaign released the following statement regarding yesterday’s news conference held by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and Speaker of the House Mike Turzai regarding a special session to address the heroin crisis:

“I applaud and support the call for a special session to address the heroin crisis.  We must do everything we can to address the deadly heroin epidemic in Pennsylvania,” said Rafferty. “Our young people are dying everyday.  As I travel the state I can categorically tell you the devastation of heroin effects every community from Erie to Philadelphia from Green County to Pike County and everywhere in between.

“I have spoken to parents who have lost a child to a heroin overdose.  Their loss and pain is unbearable.  As attorney general I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure other parents don’t have to suffer the loss of a child to heroin abuse.”

Last month, John Rafferty launched a comprehensive plan for how he will fight the heroin epidemic as our next Attorney General.  Click here to read John Rafferty’s plan to create a Heroin Strike Force in the Office of Attorney General. 

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