Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Would You Believe It? A' King's Ransom' For Failure!

Governor Christie: No child in this state is worth more state aid than another. No family in this state should have to disproportionately pay- you’ve got a bigger house, you’re going to pay more in property taxes, you’ve got more land, you’re going to pay more in property taxes- that’s not what I’m talking about. 
We’re talking about 52% of your property taxes going to schools in 546 districts and 26% of your property taxes going to schools in 31 districts. We’re talking about 546 districts having to divide $88 billion over the last thirty years and 31 districts dividing $97 billion. 
Where did the money go? 
And what did you get in return for it? 
But an even more important question than what did you get in return for it- what did those children and their families get in return for it? 
Underachieving schools that do not prepare them for the jobs of the future or the careers and college life of the future. 
We are paying a king’s ransom in those 546 districts but in most of them, we are preparing our students for the future. We now should share with each other the money that our state taxes. It can be fixed. We don’t have to rely upon the courts to do it.

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