Sunday, July 24, 2016

Does Character Really Have A GPA? Does It?

"With the exception of eight 'wonder years' in North Philly, I was raised in the suburbs. My parents moved there, taking their daughter and three young sons a few short miles across the city line to Delaware County. But the distance in emotions and memory and mindset was a million times farther away than the relatively short stretch of asphalt would lead you to believe.
"And yet, mom made sure that I got to 'go home' often in those early years of initial separation from the rest of our family. We Flowers were virtually the only ones who had broken faith with the city and embraced a new zip code, and way of life. Grass between houses instead of shared front porches, apple trees in the backyard instead of sneaker-strung telephone wires, trips to the shopping center (no malls in early ‘70s Havertown), not congregations at the corner for water ice.
"Going 'home' to see Mom Mom and Pop Pop was joyous for me, the oldest one who remembered living with her Italian grandparents. Many were the nights . . . . 

Click here to read the rest of Christine Flower's wonderful column from the Daily Times of Delaware County.

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