Sunday, July 24, 2016

So Shameful, So Sleazy, You Can't Make This Up!

From an editorial in the Philadelphia Inquirer on the eve of the Democratic National Convention in Philly:
In just the past three years, Philadelphia Democrats have seen a congressman, a state senator, five state representatives, and eight city judges found guilty of corruption. A former city sheriff also faces charges, and our top elections official has come under scrutiny for frequently failing to show up to work or, ironically, vote.The federal and state investigations that swept through Philadelphia's Traffic Court, whose judges were handpicked by the Democratic machine, was so devastating that Philadelphians voted to abolish the court on the same day they helped give Pennsylvania's delegates to Hillary Clinton. One reported beneficiary of Traffic Court ticket-fixing was the only city Democrat on the state Supreme Court, Seamus McCaffery, who went on to resign amid examination of pornographic emails he distributed to other officials.McCaffery's was one of a few recent implosions of the state's most prominent Democrats. Former Treasurer Rob McCord, a product of the Philadelphia suburbs, pleaded guilty last year to strong-arming potential donors to his gubernatorial bid. Attorney General Kathleen Kane - who like Clinton has roots in Scranton - is facing trial on charges that she leaked confidential grand jury information. Kane initially came under scrutiny for failing to prosecute state legislators caught taking money from an informant and a traffic judge who pocketed a Tiffany bracelet - all of them Philly Democrats.

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