Wednesday, July 6, 2016

So, Where DOES He Stand On This Critical Issue?

Ahead of today’s vote in the U.S. Senate on Sen. Pat Toomey’s legislation to strip sanctuary cities of their federal funding, the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) is calling on Josh Shapiro to state his position on the bill and Philadelphia’s status as a sanctuary city.
"Despite having virtually no qualifications for the office he seeks, Josh Shapiro refuses to share his views on crucial law enforcement issues,” said Scott Will, Executive Director of RAGA. “What we do know is Josh Shapiro voted against cracking down on illegal immigration and backs Katie McGinty, a pro-sanctuary cities candidate, for Senate. McGinty also supports Philadelphia Mayor John Kenney’s refusal to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement officials and opposes Senator Toomey’s bill. Voters deserve to know where Josh Shapiro stands, and why he has been silent for so long.”

Fact Sheet:

“As one of his first acts in office in January, Kenney reinstituted the city policy that bars police and prison officials from telling U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents about the pending releases from detention of undocumented prisoners, unless a prisoner was previously convicted of a violent felony and ICE has a warrant…Pressed for an opinion on Kenney's policy, McGinty said she was not "rejecting" it…”
– Philadelphia Inquirer – 7/5/16

Josh Shapiro Voted Nay – – 11/15/11

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