Friday, July 22, 2016

Speaking Truth To Another Dumb Swindle Scheme

Senator Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) said that a new $1.2 billion gas tax plan announced by the Senate President and Assembly Speaker today is nearly identical to and just as bad for taxpayers as the original Senate plan that failed to advance last month.

Sen. Jennifer Beck held a roadside rally in Eatontown on June 21, 2016 to oppose a billion dollar gas tax increase. (Facebook/Jennifer Beck)

“The tax plan announced by Democrats today would still raise the gas tax by 23 cents per gallon, just as the last failed plan would have,” said Beck. “The cosmetic changes that the Senate President and Assembly Speaker have agreed to are just window dressing on the core $1.2 billion tax increase on drivers that remains largely unchanged from the previous version of the legislation.”
Beck has spearheaded the effort to oppose a gas tax, leading rallies attended by hundreds and an online petition that has been signed nearly 11,000 times.
“We all want safe roads and bridges, but our constituents have made it clear that they can’t afford a billion dollar tax increase,” added Senator Beck. “With a little fiscal discipline, we can meet our transportation funding needs without asking more from commuters who already pay enough in taxes and tolls to get to work.”

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