Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Dangerous Policy, Putting Lives At Risk!

Pennsylvania Attorney General candidate John Rafferty restated his strong opposition to Philadelphia’s Sanctuary City policy in light of a recent report that shows a dangerous illegal immigrant raped a child after not being reported to the Federal government:

“This report confirms that Mayor Kenney’s Sanctuary City policy is dangerous and puts the lives of innocent families living, working and visiting the city everyday at risk,” Rafferty said. “The City of Philadelphia chose not to turn a dangerous predator over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for deportation and that resulted in the rape of a child. It is time to hold people accountable for this failure to protect its citizens, particularly our children. This policy is putting people’s safety and lives at danger.

“I would again call on my opponent, Commissioner Josh Shapiro, to tell the voters where he stands on this issue. I asked him 65 days ago and the silence has been deafening, which indicates to me that he supports the Mayor and his dangerous policies. As a candidate for the state’s top law enforcement position, I believe the people of Pennsylvania deserve to hear where candidates stand on this important issue.”

According to the Philadelphia Daily News, an illegal immigrant from Honduras is awaiting trial for raping a child. This immigrant was deported in May of 2009 only to return. He was charged with domestic aggravated assault in 2015, but ICE was unable to deport him due to Philadelphia's Sanctuary City status. He was arrested last month and he awaits trial for raping a child. (Bykofsky, Stu, “How a man here illegally got released, to be arrested again,” Philadelphia Daily News, 8/8/16)

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