Tuesday, August 16, 2016

As A Sorry Chapter Closes Here Is The Way Forward

Attorney General candidate John Rafferty released the following statement regarding Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s decision to resign effective tomorrow:

“The only issue I have with Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s decision to resign is that it is long overdue,” Rafferty said. “I have called and voted for Kathleen Kane's removal months ago because of the serious nature of the charges she was facing, and more importantly because I knew the Office of Attorney General could not operate effectively under the weight of these many distractions.

“The next Attorney General must steer the Office away from the culture of chaos and petty political vendettas and return its focus to doing the important work of protecting Pennsylvanians from crime, fraud and abuse. When I am elected Attorney General, I will provide the leadership necessary to provide for the protection of people from crimes over politics.

“I am more qualified and experienced than my opponent and I am the only one who has promised to check my political ambitions at the door by pledging not to seek higher office if elected attorney general. I will concentrate my full attention on ensuring Pennsylvania is a safer place for all of us by restoring integrity to the Office of Attorney General. My focus is on attacking the heroin epidemic and going after predators who are preying on our children and seniors.

“Lastly, I would like to send a message to the hardworking men and women who are employed in the Office of Attorney General, who have had to deal with this nightmare – help is on the way, keep the faith.”

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