Saturday, August 27, 2016

Fuuhhgattaboutit, It Just Ain't Gonna Work, Hon!

“Hillary Clinton’s attempt to delete the single worst week of her political career isn’t going to work. Her admission that there’s a lot of smoke but no fire is a complete lie, and the American public’s response will be to do exactly as her campaign suggests: don’t vote for her. 
"Clinton’s attempt to blame Colin Powell for her illegal email server backfired, and there’s no way the Clintons could go from dead broke to making more $250 million since leaving office without breaking the law and trading off their access to office. This is exactly why we need a Special Prosecutor to investigate the blurring of lines between the Clinton State Department, the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton’s personal bank account. 
"It’s corruption and the rigged system in Washington at its worst, and it’s exactly why we need to vote for a change agent like Donald Trump.” 
– Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor, Donald Trump campaign

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