Monday, August 29, 2016

Hey, This Town Is Now In For A REAL Treat!

Today, the Trump-Pence Pennsylvania campaign announced the grand opening of an office in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania with special guest Eric Trump. 
The event will be held tomorrow -- August 30th at 4:15 pm -- and will highlight grassroots opportunities with the campaign for supporters in northeastern Pennsylvania. 
“The opening of this Lackawanna County office reflects the momentum we are seeing on the ground in Pennsylvania,” said campaign Senior Advisor David Urban. “We have quickly closed the gap here with the most recent Pennsylvania poll showing the Trump-Pence campaign within the margin of error. This demonstrates that the hardworking people of Pennsylvania are connecting with Mr. Trump’s message of economic empowerment. It also highlights that Pennsylvanians are rejecting the same old Washington corruption and back-room deals exemplified by Hillary’s State Department pay-to-play scandal where she traded official access for donations to the Clinton foundation from foreign donors."

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