Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Questionable Ethics, Dubious Actions . . . .

Another day, another ethics scandal for Katie McGinty. While serving as the Secretary of Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection, emails show that Katie McGinty used taxpayer dollars to bankroll her trips to job interviews across the country. It’s becoming increasingly clear that Katie McGinty is very comfortable using government resources to fund her trips through the revolving door between the public and private sector. Katie McGinty owes Pennsylvanians an explanation as to why she thought it was okay to use taxpayer dollars to hunt for private-sector paydays.” – PA GOP Communications Director Megan Sweeney

Katie McGinty Met With Potential Green Energy Employer on Taxpayer Dime
As top state energy official, McGinty met with green firm in hopes of landing board seat
Washington Free Beacon
Brent Scher
August 31, 2016

Excerpts from the article:

Katie McGinty used a taxpayer-funded trip to California to meet with a green energy company that she believed could put her on its board of directors once she entered the private sector, according to email records from McGinty’s tenure as secretary of Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection.

McGinty, the Democratic candidate for Senate in Pennsylvania, has taken heat for her quick transition from the public sector to lucrative positions at top energy companies. The emails show that McGinty spoke openly about life after government during her final months on the job—including to her former boss, Al Gore.

In a 2008 email to the former vice president, who first hired McGinty to work in his Senate office and then brought her along to the White House, McGinty tried to obtain information about new solar technology that she hoped could help her potential future employers.

“Can’t sleep,” began McGinty’s 3:36 a.m. email to Gore, who was running green energy investments for the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. “I am back to thinking about csp [concentrated solar power].” McGinty was concerned about the “microclimate impact,” “bird impact,” and regulatory challenges of the energy generation method.

McGinty added that she hoped to be put on the board of energy companies, and planned to give them a competitive advantage over other firms by sharing her concerns about concentrated solar power . . . 

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