Thursday, August 25, 2016

Remember: Facts Are VERY Stubborn Things!

Republican Party of Pennsylvania Communications Director Megan Sweeney released the following statement regarding the announcement of Tim Kaine’s upcoming stops in Pennsylvania.

“When Tim Kaine comes to Pennsylvania, he’s going to see a state that’s been devastated by the Obama-Clinton agenda,” Sweeney said. “Over the past eight years, Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate has gone up, more families are living in poverty and small business are being crushed by overregulation. Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine want Pennsylvania to continue on the path of fewer jobs, higher taxes and more Obamacare. After the failures of the past eight years, middle-class Pennsylvanians can’t afford to send more of their shrinking paychecks to Washington.”

Pennsylvanians Are Making Less Money Under Obama
During The Obama Administration, Median Household Income In Pennsylvania Has Fallen $1,348, From $56,521 In 2008 To $55,173 In 2014.(Census, Accessed 9/16/2015)

More Pennsylvanians Are Living In Poverty Under Obama
Under Obama, The Poverty Rate In Pennsylvania Has Increased By 1.5 Percentage Points, From 11.0 Percent In 2008 To 12.5 Percent In 2014.(Census, Accessed 9/16/2015)

Under Obama, 246,000 More People In Pennsylvania Have Fallen Into Poverty, An Increase Of 18.4 Percent. (Census, Accessed 9/16/2015)

Clinton’s Harmful Economic Agenda Will Shrink Pennsylvania’s Economy, Lower Pennsylvanian’s Wages And Cost Pennsylvania Jobs 
According To Analysis By The Tax Foundation, Clinton’s Tax Proposals Would “Reduce The Economy’s Size By 1 Percent.” “According to the Tax Foundation’s Taxes and Growth Model, Hillary Clinton’s tax plan would reduce the economy’s size by 1 percent in the long run.” (Kyle Pomerleau and Michael Schuyler, “Details And Analysis Of Hillary Clinton’s Tax Proposals,” Tax Foundation, 1/26/2016)

According To Analysis By The Tax Foundation, Clinton’s Tax Proposals Would Result In “311,000 Fewer Full-Time Equivalent Jobs.” “According to the Tax Foundation’s Taxes and Growth Model, Hillary Clinton’s tax plan would reduce the economy’s size by 1 percent in the long run. The plan would lead to 0.8 percent lower wages, a 2.8 percent smaller capital stock, and 311,000 fewer full-time equivalent jobs. The smaller economy results from somewhat higher marginal tax rates on capital and labor income.” (Kyle Pomerleau and Michael Schuyler, “Details And Analysis Of Hillary Clinton’s Tax Proposals,” Tax Foundation, 1/26/2016)

According To Analysis By The Tax Foundation, Clinton’s Tax Proposals Would “Lead To … Lower Wages.” “The plan would lead to 0.8 percent lower wages, a 2.8 percent smaller capital stock, and 311,000 fewer full-time equivalent jobs. The smaller economy results from somewhat higher marginal tax rates on capital and labor income.” (Kyle Pomerleau and Michael Schuyler, “Details And Analysis Of Hillary Clinton’s Tax Proposals,” Tax Foundation, 1/26/2016)

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