Wednesday, August 10, 2016

We're 'On The Road' In Denver For School Choice!

The Dan Cirucci Blog is on the road.
And we're delighted.
But this is not a travelogue. No way!
This time we're on the road with a civic purpose in mind -- school choice!
Today Thursday and Friday we're in Denver, Colorado for the big Amplify School Choice Conference sponsored by the prestigious Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity. At this conference we'll be meeting and hearing from some of the nation's leading educators, policy experts and advocates for school choice. We're learning first-hand from some of the people who have been on the frontline in the battle for school choice in America. We're learning why school choice matters, what the issues are at the state and national levels, the economics of school choice, the possible legal battles ahead, what new coalitions are being built to advance school choice and even how things are going on the homeschooling front.
And, we'll also be visiting two schools where school choice is making a vital difference right now.
Stay with the Dan Cirucci Blog direct from Denver during this important event.

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