Thursday, August 11, 2016

Why This Choice Is More Important Than Others

Good morning from Denver and the Franklin Center's Amplify School Choice conference.
We're live blogging from Amplify School Choice and on Facebook and Twitter the hashtag is #amplifychoice.
There are more than 50 bloggers and citizen journalists here from all over the country and we're here to focus on a crisis -- the crisis in education, the crisis in our schools today, particularly in urban schools but really in school districts just about everywhere.
America spends more on education, per student, than any other developed country. But, overall our children perform only at about average levels or below.
But there are growing pockets of impressive education success stories, largely attributed to school choice. What is school choice? Really, it take several forms:
--Charter schools
--Education savings accounts
--Home schooling
These are good, solid options that are working all over the country.
But not enough is known about the real-life success stories coming out of these news options.
One of the things we're going to do in the coming weeks is tell these success stories in human terms.
Stay with us!

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