Friday, August 19, 2016

WOW! Gaining High Marks Across The Board!

Look at some of the reviews that Donald Trump is garnering for his recent speech in North Carolina which addressed national security, public safety and related issues:

Washington Examiner’s Byron York: “So Far Trump Has Used 'New American Future' Twice. Lots Of 'Togethers.' This Is A Rhetorically Different Speech From Old Trump Performances.” (, 8/18/16)
  • York: “This Charlotte Speech Is Very Different Trump.” (, 8/18/16)
US News’ Dave Catanese: “This Is The Best Trump Speech Of The Summer.”(, 8/18/16)
  • Catanese: “Killer Trump Speech Containing Empathy, Regret, Strength & Cutting Change Contrast W/ Hillary.” Catanese Tweet: “Killer Trump speech containing empathy, regret, strength & cutting change contrast w/ Hillary. But it's just 1 night. Can he replicate?” (, 8/18/16)
The Huffington Post’s Sam Stein: “I’ll Say It, This Seems Like A More Potent Trump Speech Than Any Recent One I Can Remember.” (, 8/18/16)
NPR’s Sarah McCammon: “Trump Is Very On Message - Going After Hillary Clinton. Staying Largely On Script.” (, 8/18/16)
Bloomberg’s Jennifer Jacobs: “This Is A Memorable Speech To Say The Least.”(, 8/18/16)
CBS News’ Sopan Deb: “This Is Incredible. “ Deb Tweet: “This is incredible. For the 1st time - in prepared remarks, Trump expressing regret for some of his campaign conduct” (, 8/18/16)
The Wrap’s Brian Flood: “Trump Just Admitted He Regrets Saying The Wrong Things At Times... New Regime Is Working So Far” (, 8/18/16)
NBC News’ Hallie Jackson: “A "Wow" Moment From [Trump] Just Now: "I Regret" Sometimes Saying The Wrong Thing.” (, 8/18/16)
The New York Times’ John Harwood: “Trump Mea Culpa: ‘Sometimes, In Heat Of Debate, You Say Wrong Thing. I've Done That & Regret It, Particularly Where It Caused Personal Pain’” (, 8/18/16)
Political Commentator John Podhoretz: “Well, This Trump Speech Right Now Is Way Better Than Any He's Ever Given, I Have To Say.” (, 8/18/16)
San Antonio Express-News’ Peggy Fikac: “[Trump] Says Sometimes He Says The Wrong Thing And 'Believe It Or Not I Regret It' But Promises He'll Always Tell The Truth” (, 8/18/16)
Bloomberg’s Sahil Kapur: “Wow. Trump Says He Regrets Things He's Said ‘In The Heat Of Debate’ That ‘May Have Caused Personal Pain.’” (, 8/18/16)
The Washington Post’s Jose DelReal: “The Clinton Campaign Should Be Very Nervous Of This Trump…” DelReal Tweet “The Clinton campaign should be very nervous of this Trump, but his lack of messaging discipline could render speeches like this a total wash” (, 8/18/16)
CNN’s Teddy Schleifer: “Trump With Some Of His Most Extensive Comments Tonight On Education Reform -- Charter Schools, Tenure Reform And Democratic Union Politics.” (, 8/18/16)
Click here for a complete transcript of the speech!

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