Friday, September 16, 2016

A Massive Effort To Help Those Who Need It Most

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. has asked that all 219 parishes in the five-county Archdiocese of Philadelphia consider taking up a voluntary emergency collection during the weekend of September 17th-18th to support victims of the devastating flooding in Louisiana that has displaced thousands of families.
This one-time special collection is part of a national effort called for by theUnited States Conference of Catholic Bishops to aid Catholic Charities USA relief efforts.
As many as 60,000 homes have been damaged and more than 20,000 people have been rescued from the flood waters. More than 106,000 individuals and families have sought federal disaster aid. All contributed funds will support the humanitarian efforts of Catholic Charities USA in providing families and individuals who were affected by the flooding with immediate and long-term disaster relief. Funds will also help provide pastoral and rebuilding support to Catholic dioceses impacted.
Catholic Charities agencies provide critical disaster services to people of all beliefs. Agencies across the country are constantly monitoring and responding to natural disasters. They are fully prepared to assist families and individuals with shelter, food, and other immediate and long-term needs.
Note: Donations can be also made directly to Catholic Charities USA. More information is available at

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