Thursday, September 1, 2016

Here's An Event You Certainly Won't Want To Miss!

Andrew C. McCarthy, a prolific writer who is one of the nation’s leading authorities on both jihad and jurisprudence, and a straight-talking Patriot, will be the keynote speaker and an honoree at Greater Philadelphia ZOA’s 2016 Gala taking place the evening of Thursday, Sept. 15 – two weeks from today. McCarthy, who is supportive of Israel in his writings, speeches and frequent media appearances, will receive the Ben Hecht Award for Outstanding Journalism during this uplifting event celebrating America and Israel.
During the Gala ZOA will also honor Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick with the Friend of Zion Award, South Jersey Jewish communal leaders Amy and Eric Clayman with the Pillars of the Community Award, and Wilmington’s Rabbi Steven Saks with the Guardian of Israel Award. This festive event featuring delicious glatt-kosher food and an opportunity to mingle with hundreds of like-minded others takes place at the Hilton Philadelphia City Avenue. 

Purchase your tickets to this great event now at ZOA's Eventbrite page

Or you can pay by check made payable to ZOA – send to: P.O. Box 56, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004. Seats are $180 each.

Be sure to call the Greater Philadelphia ZOA Office at 610-660-9466 before sending in your check to make sure that seats are still available.

Also making remarks during the evening will be National ZOA President Mort Klein. Talk-radio host Dom Giordano will be master-of-ceremonies and keep the streamlined event moving at a brisk pace.

McCarthy’s keynote address is a rare local opportunity to see and hear in-person a man who is truly a national treasure and a national resource. McCarthy is always enlightening as he clarifies complex issues related to national security and foreign policy.

See more on all of  the honorees below.
Hope to see you in two weeks. If for some reason you are not able to attend, please consider making a donation to support Greater Philadelphia ZOA’s educational, advocacy and outreach initiatives. You can donate by check or via Eventbrite.

Amy and Eric Clayman are the Pillars of the Community Award honorees. Amy is president of the Jewish Community Relations Counsel of Southern New Jersey and serves on both the Executive Board and Finance Committee for the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey. Amy is the principal of Financial Fluency, LLC. Eric is immediate past president of Congregation Beth El Voorhees. He is a partner in the law firm of Jenkins & Clayman. Under the Claymans’ leadership, both JCRC and Beth El have had a steady stream of pro-Israel programs. Amy’s parents, Barbara and Bill Hoffman, are ardent Zionists. Eric’s maternal grandfather was a ZOA member.

U. S. Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick is the Friend of Zion Award honoree. Congressman Fitzpatrick, a Republican, represents Bucks County. He has served four terms and is not seeking reelection. The congressman has introduced legislation and has been a solid co-sponsor of bills and resolutions to benefit Israel and the U.S.-Israel relationship. Before serving in Congress, he was a member of the Bucks County commissioners.

Andrew C. “Andy” McCarthy is the Ben Hecht Award for Outstanding Journalism recipient. He is a bestselling author, a senior fellow at National Review Institute and a contributing editor at National Review. McCarthy often writes about the Middle East and is a staunch defender of the Jewish State. McCarthy perhaps first rose to prominence while leading the prosecution against the Blind Sheik and other jihadists for waging a terrorist war against the United States – including the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

Rabbi Steven Saks is the Guardian of Israel Award recipient. He is religious leader of Adas Kodesch Shel Emeth Congregation in Wilmington. Rabbi Saks formerly was the pulpit rabbi at Adath Zion Congregation in Philadelphia. He has twice participated in Volunteers for Israel. He regularly leads pro-Israel events at his shul. Rabbi Saks heads the Delaware Association of Rabbis and Cantors.

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