Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Live Blogging With Donald Trump In Philadelphia!

Good morning!
We are inside the grand and historic Union League of Philadelphia where Donald Trump has come to deliver a major address on national security.
And it's appropriate that Mr. Trump has chosen this venue as the motto of the Union League is "Love of country leads." This great organization was founded to defend Lincoln and preserve the union during our nation's most troubles days, when the very survival of these united states was in doubt. The League kept the faith in the union and in democracy.
So for Donald Trump, who has reminded us that the Grand Old Party is the party of Lincoln, it will be very special to come here and talk about our nation's security and, indeed, its very survival. 
We are in the League's grand ballroom, known as Lincoln Hall and we are surrounded by oil portraits of all of the League's presidents which hang on these walls.
The hall is absolutely jammed. There is not a seat to be had and, as you might expect, it's a very well-dressed, orderly crowd. Among those here are many movers and shakers in the city including many business leaders and the like.
There's tremendous excitement within Trump's ranks these days as he seems poised to move forward in a way that few people expected.
So, we'll bring it all to you as it happens, directly from the Union League.
Stay with us as it's very likely that Mr. Trump will make news here today.

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