Monday, September 5, 2016

One Of Freedom's Greatest Friends Is Gone . . .

Today, Phyllis Schlafly passed away in the presence of her family at her home in St. Louis, Missouri.

She was really the grandmother of the modern conservative movement in America -- a towering figure right up there with Claire Booth Luce, William F. Buckley, Milton and Rose Friedman, Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan.

Phyllis Schlafly was an​ iconic​ American​ leader​ whose love for America was surpassed only by her love of God and her family​​,​ Phyllis Schlafly, an ​indomitable pro-family grassroots advocate and organizer, was ​92 years old. ​Mrs. Schlafly was preceded in death by her beloved husband Fred and​ is survived by six children a​long with 16 grand and ​3 ​great grandchildren.

​Phyllis ​Schlafly ​spent​ an astounding 70 years ​in public service ​of ​her fellow Americans. Her focus from her earliest days until her final ones was​ protecting ​the​ ​family, which she understood as the building block of life. She recognized America as the greatest political embodiment of those ​values. From military superiority and defense to immigration and trade; from unborn life to the nuclear family and parenthood, Phyllis Schlafly​​​ was a courageous and articulate voice for common sense and traditional values. She authored 27 books and thousands of articles. She spoke tens of thousands of times across the United States.​

Her joy in life was evident to all through her smile and wit. Funeral arrangements are pending.

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