Sunday, September 18, 2016

Promising Leads Now But No Suspects


Jake Tapper: Governor Christie, thanks so much for joining us.

Governor Christie: Thank you, Jake.

Jake Tapper: So Governor, what can you tell us about the explosion in New Jersey? Are there any suspects? Any leads? Do officials think there may be a connection to what happened in New York or Minnesota?

Governor Christie: Well Jake, first off, we don’t believe at this time that there is any evidence connecting it to the attacks in New York or Minnesota. The FBI is leading the investigation along with the New Jersey State Police and our Office of Homeland Security. We have some promising leads but no suspects at this time so we are continuing to work with the authorities to make sure that we bring whoever is responsible for this to justice as quickly as possible.

Jake Tapper: There must be a lot of suspicion in your mind though about a connection to terrorism especially with the bombing in New York the same day.

Governor Christie: Oh, of course there are. But again, I think one of the things, and this comes as my background as a prosecutor for seven years, Jake. You don’t want to jump to conclusions and you don’t want to put information out there that you don’t know is absolutely true. And so as I said, we have some promising leads. We are working with the FBI and our state police to follow them. But obviously, if you look at a number of these incidents, you can call them whatever you want, they are terrorism though. There is no doubt about that. They are terrorism. Now, who is responsible is something else and what the motive was is something else that hopefully we are going to find out in the days ahead. The fortunate thing here in New Jersey is that no one was injured. The race had not started yet down at the Jersey Shore. So we are very fortunate that no one is injured here and we pray for those people who were injured in those other attacks.

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