Friday, September 2, 2016

Putting Children First; Protecting Our Schools . . .

Pennsylvania Attorney General candidate John Rafferty released the following statement announcing his plans to launch a new School Safety Task Force focused on ensuring the safety of our children while they are attending school.

“As Pennsylvania students head to back to school for another year of education, there is no greater priority than protecting the safety of our children and the men and women who teach them,” Rafferty said. “With the risk of natural disasters and the growing threat of violence and terrorist attacks, it is critical that each school district and building has specific plans for how to respond to one of these events. Proper training and preparation is key to saving lives and that is why I plan to launch a School Safety Task Force in the Office of Attorney General. This Task Force will focus on assisting school districts, law enforcement, first responders, administrators, teachers, parents and students with coming up with specific plans to ensure we are doing everything possible to protect the safety of our children.

“Additionally, my office will be a leader in assisting administrators, parents, teachers and fellow students in recognizing when an individual is showing signs of having a serious issue that could lead to someone harming another person or themselves at school or at home.

“As our next Attorney General, I will stop at nothing to keep our schools and children safe.”

Pennsylvania State Troopers Association President Joe Kovel added, “Law enforcement stands united behind John Rafferty’s candidacy for Attorney General because of his experience and tireless commitment to keeping Pennsylvanians safe. Helping to implement and coordinate school safety preparedness plans will help law enforcement and first responders better perform their duties and save lives in the event one of these tragedies occurs.”

Fraternal Order of Police President Les Neri continued, “John Rafferty’s plan to launch a School Safety Task Force to coordinate plans with local law enforcement, first responders, school districts, parents and students will help save lives in the event of one of these emergency situations. Having the Office of Attorney General take a leadership role in coordinating safety plans, sharing best practices and educating teachers, parents and students on ways to identify individuals who are seeking to harm themselves or others are critically important. John Rafferty will make protecting our children a top priority.”

Karen Hermann of Chester County said, “As a teacher and school board member, there is no responsibility I take more seriously than ensuring the safety of our children when they are at school. We live in a dangerous world and I am thankful that John Rafferty is going to prioritize school safety when he is elected Attorney General.”

When elected to the Office of Attorney General, John Rafferty will employ a School Safety Task Force in the Office of Attorney General who will advise staff on draft plans, coordinate and train local authorities, school administrators, teachers, parents and students on what to do in the case of a natural disaster, violent event or terrorist situation. Having a well-defined plan saves lives. Additionally, the Office of Attorney General will be a leader in helping authorities, administrators, parents, teachers and fellow students in recognizing when a child is showing signs of having a serious issue that could lead to someone harming another person or themselves.

John Rafferty’s campaign for Attorney General has earned the endorsement of law enforcement and first responders, including the Pennsylvania State Troopers Association, the Pennsylvania Fraternal Order of Police, the Pennsylvania State Corrections Officers Association, FOP Lodges 1, 7, 11, 14, 16,27, 53 and 91, the Pennsylvania Professional Fire Fighters Association, the Philadelphia Fire Fighters and Paramedics, IAFF Local 22, Scranton Fire Fighters, IAFF, Local 60 and Pittsburgh Fire Fighters, IAFF Local 1.

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