Thursday, September 15, 2016

So They Will Be 'At Risk' No Longer . . .

Catholic Social Services’ Saint Gabriel’s Hall (SGH), a residential program for young men adjudicated by the Philadelphia Court System, has received a $70,141 federal grant. This funding is supplemental to their Title I Part D federal grant of $365,000, which is used exclusively for the purpose of providing education and job training for disadvantaged, at-risk youth.

The additional funding provided will allow SGH to enhance its Career Technical Education (CTE) programming by hiring an additional teacher/literacy coach. That individual will support the CTE teachers in helping students to become more proficient in the areas of career literacy and numeracy. That process involves assisting students with reading and studying the curriculum required for passing an industry recognized certification exam specific to their field of study, such as Workplace Safety, Food Handling/Management and Microsoft Office. The remainder of the additional grant money will be used to underwrite testing expenses, upgrade hardware, and purchase new equipment related to this initiative.

SGH recently graduated one of its highest classes in 30 years, with 56 young men earning diplomas in 2016.

Note: Established in 1899 by the De LaSalle Christian Brothers as the Philadelphia Protectorate for Boys, Saint Gabriel’s Hall is a residential program located in Audubon, Montgomery County, serving young men ages 10 to 18 adjudicated by the Philadelphia court system. Today, dedicated lay people inspired by the LaSallian mission continue to provide a structured setting where 200 youth receive transformative therapeutic and educational support. Residential treatment employs a team approach to rehabilitation with educators, child care workers, social workers, psychologists and counselors working together to provide an individualized treatment plan for each client in care.

The school program is licensed by the PA Department of Education as a Private Residential Rehabilitation Institution (PRRI) and is accredited by the Middle States Accreditation Board. They are a nationally licensed GED Test Site and affiliated with the PA Academic Career Technical Training Alliance (PACTT). This state agency accredits their four Career Technical Education Programs: Building Maintenance/Construction, Horticulture/Landscaping, Culinary Arts and Microsoft Office Systems. SGH is also a licensed MOS test site.

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