Thursday, September 8, 2016

They're Determined To 'Defend The American Dream'

Americans for Prosperity–New Jersey led a delegation of Garden State activists this past weekend to the group’s 10th Annual Defending the American Dream Summit in Orlando, Florida. The New Jersey delegation joined together with over 1,500 liberty-minded activists from around the county where attendees enjoyed a series of educational breakout sessions and access to high-level training, and also heard from a slate of leaders in the conservative movement.
Today, Americans for Prosperity has established the most formidable grassroots infrastructure on the right. In 2016 alone, the group has made 4.6 million calls and knocked on 2 million doors to connect with citizens on issues of economic freedom. AFP’s Summit is a critical component of building AFP’s ground game.
“AFP’s Defending the American Dream Summit has evolved more and more towards empowering our volunteers and activists,” said AFP state director Erica Jedynak. “Our goal is to ensure they not only have a great time, but also to inspire them, connect them with like-minded people, and help them become effective advocates for economic freedom back home in their communities. Their grassroots involvement is at the heart of our success and I’m delighted so many of our NJ activists made the trip with us.”
“It was a great conference with a lot of great people,” said Al Frech, one of the New Jersey attendees. “Very upbeat, very positive, very informative, and very good for activists with a lot of strategic kinds of workshops. In my experience, AFP makes it really easy to get involved.”
AFP’s 10th Annual Defending the American Dream Summit featured addresses from scores of leaders in the liberty movement including former presidential contenders, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, and Carly Fiorina. The Summit lineup also included Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst, Georgia Sen. David Perdue, and British Conservative politician Daniel Hannan, as well as legendary Florida St. football coach Bobby Bowden.

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen-leaders committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and intrusiveness of government is the best way to promote individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. For more information, visit state and taxpayers

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