Thursday, September 8, 2016

Yes, Integrity Really CAN be Restored . . .

The John Rafferty for Pennsylvania Attorney General Campaign released the following statement reminding voters of his plan to restore ethics and public confidence to the Office of Attorney General.

In February, Attorney General candidate John Rafferty announced that as attorney general he would implement an ethics code for employees based on United States Department of Justice guidelines.

Rafferty said the public’s confidence in the attorney general’s office and the courts has been shaken by unacceptable behavior and in particular, an email scandal where prosecutors, agents, and judges exchanged pornographic and inappropriate emails.

“While I respect many of the professionals working in the Office of Attorney General, there is no place in government, especially in that office, for this type of behavior," said Rafferty. “It won’t be tolerated when I am attorney general. Unlike my opponent, Josh Shapiro, I have the qualifications and experience to lead the Office of Attorney General and restore public confidence.

“There are many qualified and experienced prosecutors and agents in the Office of Attorney General, and I promise to bring the leadership and credibility needed to ensure all of our attention and efforts are on protecting Pennsylvania families and not on the distractions that have resulted from the previous administration.”

Rafferty reiterated that he would require that all attorney general employees follow an ethics policy based on United States Department of Justice guidelines for personal email use. The policy is spelled out in 5 CFR 2635.704.

In addition to using Department of Justice guidelines, Rafferty said he would adopt guidelines from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Management Directive 205.34 that covers Information Technology and email use for state employees under the governor’s jurisdiction, specifically as it relates to inappropriate material being disseminated in any form.

Rafferty is a former Deputy Attorney General. He is a State Senator from Montgomery County and the endorsed Republican candidate for attorney general.

Click here to read the ethics code for employees from the United States Department of Justice.

Click here to read the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Management Directive 205.34 that covers Information Technology and email use for state employees under the governor’s jurisdiction.

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