Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Call, E-Mail, Keep Making Your Voice Heard, NOW!

Save Jersey was first to report that the Christie-Democrat gas tax package was in trouble.
Sure enough?
It is….

NJ lawmakers planned to vote today on raising the gas tax 23 cents to fund road projects- not enough yes votes so they'll try again Friday

Here’s my current ‘NO’ vote count in the Senate based on conversations with our sources:
Van Drew

That puts Senate President Sweeney far short of the 30 votes he needs for an ’emergency measure.’ I explained all of this yesterday.

“There are more than 80,000 EZ Pass users in our legislative district alone,” Senator Holzapfel (R-Ocean) said in a joint statement issued with his Assembly district mates. “These drivers are already paying the highest tolls in the nation. They simply cannot afford to pay any more to use New Jersey’s roads and highways. We will not stand silently by and watch as the legislature approves a 23-cent gas tax hike that will impose severe financial hardships on the people we were elected to serve. Taxpayers in Ocean County and across this state deserve better.”

From the looks of it? The legislation’s proponents did a sloppy job in their attempt to rush-and-ram through this massive tax-and-debt package.

“Nothing like counting your votes before scheduling an emergency voting session to vote on the TTF gas increase. So for those who do not understand Trenton, a last minute emergency voting session was called this Monday for today necessitating legislators to take a last minute day off from their other full time jobs,” Asw. Holly Schepisi, a Republican, explained via Facebook. “While everyone is down in Trenton to fulfill their obligations, the session gets cancelled with no notice and another emergency vote is now scheduled for Friday in an attempted “DO-OVER”. Government at its finest in the great State of New Jersey.”

Don’t get lazy.
 Keep up the pressure.
You need to let your politicians know that this is a make-or-break kind of vote.
CLICK HERE to find legislators’ contact info.
Keep those phones ringing through Friday….

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