Saturday, October 15, 2016

Now Let's See THIS Batch Of Emails - No More Delays!

A panel of judges ruled Friday in favor of the state Republican Party's public records request for emails from U.S. Senate candidate Katie McGinty's time as Gov. Tom Wolf's chief of staff.

“Governor Tom Wolf and Katie McGinty have sacrificed the transparency they both promised to further McGinty's political career. They have spent more than fifteen months hiding McGinty’s government emails from the public. 
"Katie McGinty has refused to call for her former boss to immediately stop using taxpayer dollars to hide her emails from the public, despite demands from the Office of Open Records and now the Commonwealth Court to release them. With her notorious penchant for ethics problems and revolving door paychecks, the voters deserve to know exactly what Katie McGinty was doing while serving as Chief of Staff before they make their choice in the Senate election. 
"Hillary hid her emails with a private server, and Katie McGinty is now hiding hers with taxpayer-funded lawyers. It raises the persistent question: what else are Katie McGinty and Tom Wolf hiding in those supposedly-public emails?” 
– PA GOP Communications Director Megan Sweeney

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