Saturday, October 1, 2016

Orchestra Remains Hopeful Settlement Is Near

Here is a special message from the Philadelphia Orchestra:

Over the past few months, we have been engaged in contract talks with our musicians. 
During this time we have been negotiating with a clear understanding that the Orchestra is at a threshold defined by world-class artistry, programming excellence, commitment to the community, audience engagement, and societal relevance. We have come a very long way over the last several years and this is a very exciting time for all of us who are so deeply invested in driving this organization forward. As we look ahead to extraordinary opportunities, we are committed to making sound decisions that invigorate our long-term success. With that understanding, we know that our agreement with our musicians will have great and lasting consequences for the future of The Philadelphia Orchestra.
We are disappointed that the musicians have decided to strike and deeply regret any inconvenience to our patrons. Reaching a contract agreement is a cyclical process by which we determine the working arrangement we have with the musicians. The talents of our great musicians must be recognized while also balancing the need for the kind of careful financial stewardship that will keep The Philadelphia Orchestra strong and viable for years to come. 
We are extremely hopeful that we can come to a swift agreement with our musicians to assure that all those living in the Philadelphia area and beyond will be able to continue to enjoy the music of one of the finest orchestras in the world.
Your support and continuing patronage is extremely important to the future of the Orchestra and we want to be sure you have up-to-date information throughout the duration of our negotiations. We will continue to update you as events progress but please feel free to check back with us periodically for updates.
Thank you for your understanding and your ongoing support of The Philadelphia Orchestra.

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