Monday, October 24, 2016

Such Inspiring, Young Talents To Delight You!

Philadelphia Youth Orchestra at the Kimmel Center - 2013 (2)       
   Maestro Louis Scaglione conducts the Phila. Youth Orchestra                
Special Guest Philadelphia Orchestra Concertmaster David Kim (above)
Philadelphia Youth Orchestra’s (PYO) gifted young musicians present their first concert this season in Verizon Hall at The Kimmel Center conducted by PYO President and Music Director Louis Scaglione. The concert includes a special guest appearance by Concertmaster of The Philadelphia Orchestra David Kim performing the Violin Concerto by Jean Sibelius with the orchestra. The concert takes place on Sunday, November 20, at 3 p.m.

With 120 talented musicians, age 14 to 21, the orchestra will open the program with Barber’s Overture to The School for Scandal followed by Sibelius’s Violin Concerto and will conclude with Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade.

Scaglione, celebrating his 20th year with PYO this season, is honored to have Mr. Kim as a special guest for this performance. He said, “Mr. Kim has been such an enthusiastic supporter of our students and to have him perform with him is an experience that will become a lifelong memory. Mr. Kim is not only one of the most accomplished violinists in the country, he is a an impassioned teacher who enjoys teaching and inspiring young musicians.”

Mr. Kim appears as soloist with The Philadelphia Orchestra each season, as well as with numerous orchestras around the world. He also appears internationally at such festivals as Grand Teton, Brevard, MasterWorks (US), and Pacific (Japan). Highlights of Mr. Kim’s 2015-16 season include teaching/performance residencies at Oberlin College, Bob Jones University, and the Boston Conservatory; continued appearances as concertmaster of the All-Star Orchestra on PBS stations across the United States and online at the Kahn Academy; recitals, speaking engagements, and appearances with orchestras across the United States; performances of the Brahms Double Concerto with Philadelphia Orchestra Principal Cello Hai-Ye Ni and the Orchestra under the baton of Donald Runnicles; and the launching of the first annual David Kim Orchestral Institute of Cairn University in Philadelphia.

He was named concertmaster of The Philadelphia Orchestra in 1999. Born in Carbondale, Illinois, in 1963, he started playing the violin at the age of three, began studies with the famed pedagogue Dorothy DeLay at the age of eight, and later received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Juilliard School.

Tickets for the PYO Concert are only $15-25 and can be purchased through Ticket Philadelphia by calling 215.893.1999.
About the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra:

Now in its 77th year, training tomorrow’s leaders, the renowned Philadelphia Youth Orchestra organization, led by President and Music Director, Maestro Louis Scaglione, is one of the nation’s oldest and most respected community music education and youth orchestra performance programs, providing talented young musicians from across the tri-state area with exceptional musical training. 

Students go on to excel in many diverse fields, and it is with pride that Philadelphia Youth Orchestra notes that many members of the prestigious Philadelphia Orchestra are alumni. The organization is comprised of six program ensembles designed to meet specific needs and experience levels of students selected through a competitive audition process. The anchor group is the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra (PYO), conducted by President and Music Director Louis Scaglione, featuring 120 gifted instrumentalists who range in age from 14-21. 

Young musicians 12-18 years old are featured in PYO’s companion ensemble, the Philadelphia Young Artists Orchestra, which is led by Director and Conductor Maestra Rosalind Erwin, who is Music Director and Conductor of Drexel University Orchestra. Philadelphia Young Musicians Orchestra (PYMO), directed by Maestro Kenneth Bean, is a beginning to intermediate-level full symphonic orchestra that provides most students with their first introduction to large orchestral playing featuring students age 10-17 years old. Bravo Brass, directed by Curtis Institute Dean of Faculty and Students, Paul Bryan, is an all brass ensemble for promising middle and high-school instrumentalists. 

PRYSM (Philadelphia Region Youth String Music) and PRYSM Young Artists ensembles provide string large ensemble and sectional master class instruction for beginning and intermediate musicians ages 6-14. The director and conductor of PRYSM is Gloria DePasquale, cellist with The Philadelphia Orchestra, and conductor of PRSYM Young Artists is Andrea Weber. Tune Up Philly (TUP) is PYO’s engagement program, directed by Paul Smith, that focuses on the creating and inspiring true community by providing children in underserved communities with invaluable opportunities to learn and perform a differentiated orchestral music curriculum.

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