Saturday, October 15, 2016

They Think It's Awful -- And So Do We!

What they are saying about The anti-Catholic bigotry of the Hillary of the Hillary Clinton campaign as revealed in recent leaked emails:

“[The Emails Illustrate] The Open Anti-Catholic Bigotry Of Her Senior Advisers, Who Attack The Deeply Held Beliefs And Theology Of Catholics.” - Joseph Cella, Founder Of The National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

WSJ Opinion: “It’s no secret that progressive elites despise religion, but it’s still striking to see their contempt expressed so bluntly as in the leaked email chains that include Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.” (WSJ, 10/13/16)

Angela Flood: “It is an attempt to undermine the faith.” (FOX News, 10/13/16)

Raymond Arroyo: “For someone to come and say, ‘I have a political organization to change your church to complete my political agenda or advance my agenda,’ I don’t know how anybody could embrace that.” (WaPo, 10/12/16)

Joseph Cella: The emails illustrate "the open anti-Catholic bigotry of her senior advisers, who attack the deeply held beliefs and theology of Catholics," (Catholic News, 10/13/16)

Matt Schlapp: “Hillary likes to say she ‘goes high’ but she and her campaign are as low as a snake’s belly.” (Talk Media News, 10/12/16)

Mercedes Schlapp: “the comments are incredibly offensive.” (Talk Media News, 10/12/16)

Former Ambassador Jim Nicholson: “said the emails left him gasping. ‘I was greatly offended and disappointed when I read these comments made by senior members of Hillary Clinton’s staff.’”He said Clinton “absolutely ought to apologize. No religion should suffer this kind of denigration.” (Talk Media News, 10/12/16)

Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.): “’This attack is not limited to just Catholics.’ He implored on the public to “call on your bishops, call on your faith-based leaders” to condemn the remarks.” (Talk Media News, 10/12/16)

Newt Gingrich: “’Calista and I both feel this is an assault on Catholics.’ He referred to Clinton’s “bigoted, anti-Christian, anti-Catholic staff.” (Talk Media News, 10/12/16)

Calista Gingrich: “extremely offensive.” (Talk Media News, 10/12/16)

Speaker Paul Ryan: “If anything, these statements reveal the Clinton campaign’s hostile attitude toward people of faith in general. … All Americans of faith should take a long, hard look at this and decide if these are the values we want to be represented in our next president.” (Fortune, 10/13/16)

CNN: “Dozens of religious leaders who signed the statement expressed their ‘outrage at the demeaning and troubling rhetoric used by those within Secretary Clinton's campaign.’” (CNN, 10/14/16)

Bill Donohue: “Yesterday, I stopped short of asking Hillary Clinton to fire John Podesta, her campaign chairman. In light of the latest Wikileaks revelations, she has no choice but to cut all ties with this man. The man is hell bent on creating mutiny in the Catholic Church and must therefore be fired.” (Newsmax, 10/13/16)

Washington Times: Clinton campaign mocks Catholics, Southerners, ‘needy Latinos’ in emails “Long before Hillary Clinton called millions of Americans a “basket of deplorables,” her top campaign advisers and liberal allies openly mocked Catholics, Southerners and a host of other groups, according to newly released emails that offer a stunning window into the vitriol inside the Clinton world less than a month before Election Day.” (Washington Times, 10/12/16)

Kellyanne Conway: “For 30 years Hillary Clinton has been openly hostile to practicing Catholics,” she said, citing Clinton’s support of partial birth abortion and the ObamaCare contraception mandate. “Now her staff is caught calling Catholics ‘backwards’ in emails seething with disdain.” (FOX News, 10/13/16)

1 comment:

  1. The Catholics and religious people also deplorable have spoken. Have felt Obama sided with isles not the American people. We want no more of this failed administration. Obama and his almighty pen helped Mr. Trump win . His arrogance helped Hillary with the ugly smile on her face lose. God has answered Americas prayers. Thank you Jesus for hearing our prayers for freedom of religion. The poor people do not need to pay one thousand dollars for health insurance they cannot put food on the table. It is time for honesty and respect which this administration has no idea what we Americans want. We spoke last night. Obama an Hillary are disgusting liars. We hate the thought that you thought we were stupid well we showed you who is stupid now. Now it is time to.boycott the actors and newspapers. That is our next movement. God bless President Trump.
