Sunday, October 2, 2016

You CAN Stop The Big NJ Gas Tax Hike NOW!

Americans for Prosperity: Gas Tax Deal 
Offers No Relief, No Real Solutions
Transportation Trust Fund Remains a Broken 
System in Dire Need of Reform

Americans for Prosperity – New Jersey is giving caution to a new deal announced on the broken Transportation Trust Fund.

The 8-year deal includes an overnight 23 cents per gallon gas tax hike on drivers; a full repeal of the estate tax in January 2018; a phased in sales tax cut from 7% to 6.875% and then 6.625% by January 2018; and provisions for retirees, veterans, and an increase in the Earned Income Tax Credit.

Americans for Prosperity, the state’s leading voice for the taxpayer, appreciates the commitment of Governor Christie, Senate President Sweeney, and Assembly Speaker Prieto with respect to repealing the estate tax. However, a gas tax hike on residents will not only burden the most taxed residents in the nation, but also will not address a broken Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) system laden with debt. Americans for Prosperity is calling on policy makers to lead discussion on real fiscal reform, including addressing the fiscal problems of the state.

State Director Erica Jedynak alerts residents:
“Unfortunately, hiking the gas tax is only treating a symptom of the broken Transportation Trust Fund. We commend legislative leadership for their seriousness in cutting the estate tax which is integral to the state’s fiscal health and keeping residents here; and work towards more broad-based tax relief, but these issues deserve separate attention and separate legislation.
“Repealing one tax to hike another does not address the structural issues with a broken system. The residents of New Jersey deserve a plan to pay back debt and reduce taxes on all, not just some. Additionally, we have concerns about raising the Earned Income Tax Credit, which boasts a 22% fraud rate. We will be letting citizens know how their representatives vote this upcoming Wednesday.”
A Call to Action from 
Americans for Prosperity, New Jersey!
The New Jersey Legislature is voting on a 23 cents per gallon gas tax hike this upcoming Wednesday in Trenton. It could be implemented overnight. 
We will be calling residents about the urgent news and connecting them with their representatives. Your calls made a difference this past June.
Would you take a half hour or hour on your lunch hour to help us get the word out?

For questions or to attend Monday's phone bank, please contact New Jersey Field Director Stephen McGee at 
Refreshments will be provided for all volunteers. 
We have great technology - headsets and all - to make calling convenient and fun with phone bank bingo!


Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen-leaders committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and intrusiveness of government is the best way to promote individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. For more information, visit state and taxpayers

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