Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Now, Here's A Guy Who Gets It Right!

The American Conservative Union (ACU) has announced its endorsement of Governor Pat McCrory for re-election, the leading conservative in North Carolina’s gubernatorial race.

“For the first time in North Carolina’s history, Republicans have controlled the state legislature and the Governors’ office, resulting in the passage of pro-growth economic policies,” said ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp. “In Governor Pat McCrory’s first year of office, North Carolinians felt across-the-board tax relief to the tune of $4.7 billion. In addition, regulatory reforms and trimming back costly unemployment benefits resulted in 300,000 new jobs since 2013, an unemployment rate falling to a nine year low, and a $450 million surplus in 2015. To advance conservative principles in North Carolina, it is vital to re-elect Pat McCrory as Governor.”

Governor Pat McCrory responded to ACU’s endorsement by saying, "When I grew up in Jamestown, North Carolina, I was taught to say yes ma'am and yes sir and to show respect for our nation's flag, our teachers and our police officers. But I am very worried about the growing trend of disrespect we see in our country in recent years and the example it leaves for our children. During these troubled times, we need to stand up for the principles that make our country great and bring us together. The American Conservative Union is an important organization standing strong for conservative principles across the country, and I am honored to have their endorsement."

Founded in 1964, the American Conservative Union (ACU) is the nation’s original conservative organization. For more than fifty years, ACU has served as an umbrella organization harnessing the collective strength of conservative organizations fighting for Americans who are concerned with liberty, personal responsibility, traditional values, and strong national defense. As one of America's premier conservative voices, ACU promotes a conservative vision on issues before Congress, the Executive Branch, State Legislatures, the media, political candidates, and the public.

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