Tuesday, November 1, 2016

This Is NOT the End Of The Battle!

New Jersey State Senator Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) issued the following statement as the billion dollar, 23-cent per gallon, gasoline tax increase takes effect today:

Sen. Jennifer Beck said that she remains opposed to the onerous, billion-dollar gas tax increase. (SenateNJ)
“The failure of the legislature to enact meaningful cost saving measures has led to New Jersey funding its irresponsibility on the backs on New Jersey’s commuters and families. I remain opposed to this onerous, billion-dollar tax increase.

“I am working with legislators from both sides of the aisle on a legal challenge to whether the gasoline tax increase legislation is even constitutional. Serious questions have been raised regarding the unelected, four-person panel that determines which transportation projects are funded. I plan to have a further statement once lawyers review all of the information at hand."

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