Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Well Just Let All This Speak For Itself . . .

Don't be confused by the way that the numbers are listed above. This race has clearly shifted in this latest ABC News tracking poll.
Hillary's now a slim point behind Donald Trump -- a first since May. He's at 46, she's at 45.
Trump now leads Clinton by 8 points in the share of voters who are very enthusiastic about their choice as of Friday.
Strong enthusiasm for Clinton has lost 7 points since the start of tracking, especially Friday through Sunday.
More, directly from the ABC poll analysis:
"Among other factors, there’s been consolidation for Trump among Republicans and GOP-leaning independents (86 percent now back him, up from 80 percent). He has also seen improvement among pure independents (i.e., those who don’t lean toward either party), up from an even split to a large Trump advantage, 25 percent Clinton to 54 percent Trump, across the past seven nights (combined for a larger samples size). Seventeen percent of pure independents pick someone else. 
"Among Democrats and Democratic leaners, meanwhile, Trump’s support has gone from 5 to 9 percent -- a slight change, but a statistically significant one. Clinton’s support has been essentially steady."

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