Monday, December 12, 2016

A Valiant Fight Finally Proves Successful; Bravo!

New Jersey State Senator Christopher “Kip” Bateman (R-Mercer, Somerset, Middlesex, Hunterdon) released the following statement on an agreement allowing the Civil War Trust to purchase Maxwell’s Field from the Institute of Advanced Study in order to preserve the historic site of the Battle of Princeton. Bateman has long fought to prevent the Institute from causing irreversible damage to the battlegrounds by building housing on Maxwell’s Field.
Sen. Kip Bateman speaks at an event marking the addition of new open space to the Princeton Battlefield. Bateman has long fought to preserve Princeton Battlegrounds, including Maxwell’s Field (SenateNJ)
“This landmark agreement between the Civil War Trust and the Institute of Advanced Study is the victory we have long-hoped for. For years I have fought tirelessly alongside historians, activists and local residents to save Maxwell’s field from permanent destruction. We refused to stand by and allow the Institute of Advanced Study to bulldoze 240 years of history and I am elated that our battle has finally been won.

“This historic compromise will allow for the preservation of nearly 15 acres of Maxwell’s Field as well as the expansion of Princeton Battlefield State Park. The Princeton Battlegrounds are an unparalleled educational resource. Because of this agreement, future generations will have the opportunity to visit this hallowed ground and learn about the brave soldiers who fought at the Battle of Princeton – the turning point of the Revolutionary War.”

“I commend both the Civil War Trust and the Institute of Advanced Study for answering our call to work together and reach an agreement to protect this national treasure. I am grateful to everyone who stood with us in our fight to save Maxwell’s Field. I vow to remain vigilant and do all that I can to ensure these preservation efforts are completed as swiftly as possible.”

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