Thursday, December 15, 2016

'We Cannot Let Them Commit This Crime!'

Following a U.S. Senate recommendation to file criminal charges against Planned Parenthood, New Jersey State Senator Joe Pennacchio today renewed his call for the State Attorney General to launch an investigation to determine if any Planned Parenthood in New Jersey has committed this crime. Pennacchio sponsors legislation forbidding organizations to profit from the sale of aborted fetal tissue.
Sen. Joe Pennacchio speaking at a New Jersey State House press conference on his Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act on December 5, 2016. (
“We cannot stand by as agencies such as Planned Parenthood, who boldly claim to be advocating for women and families, secretly profit from the illegal sale of baby body parts,” Senator Pennacchio said. “In light of the horrific evidence uncovered by the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee and their referral for a criminal investigation into Planned Parenthood, I am once again urging the State Attorney General not to turn a blind eye to the disturbing possibility that serious crimes against humanity could be occurring right here in New Jersey.”

Following an exhaustive analysis of the agency’s practice of fetal tissue transfers, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley on Tuesday referred Planned Parenthood and several affiliated organizations to the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice for investigation and possible prosecution.

The Senate Judiciary report includes shocking details of legal agreements between Biotech companies and Planned Parenthood for “human kidneys, livers, hearts lungs, pancreases, bone marrows, corneas, eyes, organs or any subpart thereof” of the body of an aborted baby.

Senator Pennacchio’s bill, S-1538, would prohibit fetal baby tissue from being used for the purpose of researching any cosmetic treatment. The bill closes a state and federal loophole by denying any payment for the removal, processing, disposal, preservation, quality control, storage, transplantation or implementation of fetal tissue.

Current law prohibits the direct sale of human fetal body parts obtained from abortions. However, organizations such as Planned Parenthood have tried to circumvent the law by indirectly charging for the preparation and transportation of these baby organs.

“The State should not tolerate Planned Parenthood’s unconscionable practice of hiding behind ‘processing fees’ as a way to break the law,” Senator Pennacchio said. “I have repeatedly called on the legislature to take a hard look at laws that prohibit organizations from making money off the sale of baby body parts. How much more evidence is needed before we finally take a stand and outlaw this practice once and for all?”

Senator Pennacchio’s legislation has received the support of New Jersey Right to Life.

“U.S. Senate Judiciary Chairman Grassley’s statement creates a renewed sense of urgency for the passage of Senator Pennacchio’s bill,” New Jersey Right to Life Executive Director Marie Tasy said. “Many of these babies are alive when the fetal repositioning and crushing point decisions are made by the abortion provider with the goal of procuring intact infant organs. We commend Senators Pennacchio and Oroho for sponsoring this legislation and call on Legislative leaders to schedule this bill for a hearing as soon as possible to stop this unethical trafficking of babies’ bodies for profit.”

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