Friday, December 2, 2016

You're Really Gonna LOVE This - We Promise!

Goodbye Obama! This wonderful, hilarious Christmas song parody says it all! - - Based on a song Andy Williams made famous "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" Hillary makes an appearance as the Abominable Snowman in the end... Singer, songwriter and Entertainer Dana Kamide wrote the lyrics and performed the lead vocals and produced the video. Democrats got Shellacked in last 3 elections. Y
et Obama and the media still trying to make up stories why Donald Trump was elected instead of admit that for the last 8-10 years their policies have FAILED AMERICA! Here are the lyrics:

It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
Yet some kids are protesting
while Trump fans investing their time with good cheer
Sing It's the most wonderful time in 8 years

It's the hap-happiest voting season of all
With each staff member Trump picks, Democrats up to their old tricks …Just trashing them all
but It's the hap- happiest election season of all

There’ll be one party hosting All three branches toasting
but how low now will the press go
There'll spin misguided stories Trying to steal Trump’s glory
from a playbook written, long long ago

It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
There'll be much more enjoyment a lot less unemployment
Cuz Trump will be near
It's the most wonderful time in 8 years (go up)

Hillary’s party’s not hosing they’re no longer toasting,
Beyonce, Kanye, Cop Killers, Racists and the Muslim Brotherhood
They ignored true stories of Hillary who wasn’t sorry
for her crimes now and long ago

Now It's the most wonderful time in 8 Years
We’ll deport all the criminals, Taxes will be minimal
Bad trade deals disappear
It's the most wonderful time
yes the most wonderful time
Oh the most wonderful time… in 8 years!

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