Tuesday, January 31, 2017

'A Fierce Fighter, A Trusted Leader, A True Friend'

New Jersey State Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean issued the following statement in response to today’s announcement by Senator Diane Allen (R-Burlington) that she will not seek re-election to the New Jersey Senate:

Description: http://www.senatenj.com/uploads/kean-allen-api-520.jpg
Sen. Tom Kean and Sen. Diane Allen during a visit to the Alice Paul Institute in Mt. Laurel on April 28, 2016 to discuss the importance of legislation they sponsor to boost charitable giving to New Jersey’s non-profits and provide tax relief to state residents. (SenateNJ.com)
“Diane Allen has been a fierce fighter for the women and children of New Jersey, a trusted leader in our caucus, and a true friend to me personally.

“Her many accomplishments are too numerous to count, and her resolve and dedication to address issues of importance for the people of New Jersey have been unmatched.

“It’s not possible to sum up a career as distinguished as Diane’s in a few words, or to adequately voice the respect she has earned from all of her colleagues in the Legislature.

“I know I speak for many when I say that it has been an honor to serve alongside Senator Allen, and we look forward to helping her to finish the work she started before she leaves at the end of her term next January.”

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